Holman Christian Standard Bible

Luke 8:38-50 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

38. The man from whom the demons had departed kept begging Him to be with Him. But He sent him away and said,

39. “Go back to your home, and tell all that God has done for you.” And off he went, proclaiming throughout the town all that Jesus had done for him.

40. When Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed Him, for they were all expecting Him.

41. Just then, a man named Jairus came. He was a leader of the synagogue. He fell down at Jesus’ feet and pleaded with Him to come to his house,

42. because he had an only daughter about 12 years old, and she was at death’s door. While He was going, the crowds were nearly crushing Him.

43. A woman suffering from bleeding for 12 years, who had spent all she had on doctors yet could not be healed by any,

44. approached from behind and touched the tassel of His robe. Instantly her bleeding stopped.

45. “Who touched Me? ” Jesus asked.When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the crowds are hemming You in and pressing against You.”

46. “Someone did touch Me,” said Jesus. “I know that power has gone out from Me.”

47. When the woman saw that she was discovered, she came trembling and fell down before Him. In the presence of all the people, she declared the reason she had touched Him and how she was instantly cured.

48. “Daughter,” He said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

49. While He was still speaking, someone came from the synagogue leader’s house, saying, “Your daughter is dead. Don’t bother the Teacher anymore.”

50. When Jesus heard it, He answered him, “Don’t be afraid. Only believe, and she will be made well.”