Holman Christian Standard Bible

Luke 23:20-27 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

20. Pilate, wanting to release Jesus, addressed them again,

21. but they kept shouting, “Crucify! Crucify Him! ”

22. A third time he said to them, “Why? What has this man done wrong? I have found in Him no grounds for the death penalty. Therefore, I will have Him whipped and then release Him.”

23. But they kept up the pressure, demanding with loud voices that He be crucified. And their voices won out.

24. So Pilate decided to grant their demand

25. and released the one they were asking for, who had been thrown into prison for rebellion and murder. But he handed Jesus over to their will.

26. As they led Him away, they seized Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country, and laid the cross on him to carry behind Jesus.

27. A large crowd of people followed Him, including women who were mourning and lamenting Him.