Holman Christian Standard Bible

Ezekiel 35:1-6 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

1. The word of the Lord came to me:

2. “Son of man, turn your face toward Mount Seir and prophesy against it.

3. Say to it: This is what the Lord God says:Look! I am against you, Mount Seir.I will stretch out My hand against youand make you a desolate waste.

4. I will turn your cities into ruins,and you will become a desolation.Then you will know that I am Yahweh.

5. “Because you maintained an ancient hatred and handed over the Israelites to the power of the sword in the time of their disaster, the time of final punishment,

6. therefore, as I live” — this is the declaration of the Lord God — “I will destine you for bloodshed, and it will pursue you. Since you did not hate bloodshed, it will pursue you.