Holman Christian Standard Bible

Ezekiel 32:7-13 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

7. When I snuff you out,I will cover the heavensand darken their stars.I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light.

8. I will darken all the shining lightsin the heavens over you,and will bring darkness on your land.This is the declaration of the Lord God.

9. I will trouble the hearts of many peoples,when I bring about your destructionamong the nations,in countries you do not know.

10. I will cause many nations to be appalled at you,and their kings will shudder with fear because of you when I brandish My sword in front of them.On the day of your downfalleach of them will trembleevery moment for his life.

11. For this is what the Lord God says:The sword of Babylon’s kingwill come against you!

12. I will make your hordes fallby the swords of warriors,all of them ruthless men from the nations. They will ravage Egypt’s pride,and all its hordes will be destroyed.

13. I will slaughter all its cattlethat are beside many waters.No human foot will churn them again,and no cattle hooves will disturb them.