Holman Christian Standard Bible

Ezekiel 20:6-18 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

6. On that day I swore to them that I would bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land I had searched out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands.

7. I also said to them: Each of you must throw away the detestable things that are before your eyes and not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.

8. “But they rebelled against Me and were unwilling to listen to Me. None of them threw away the detestable things that were before their eyes, and they did not forsake the idols of Egypt. So I considered pouring out My wrath on them, exhausting My anger against them within the land of Egypt.

9. But I acted because of My name, so that it would not be profaned in the eyes of the nations they were living among, in whose sight I had made Myself known to Israel by bringing them out of Egypt.

10. “So I brought them out of the land of Egypt and led them into the wilderness.

11. Then I gave them My statutes and explained My ordinances to them — the person who does them will live by them.

12. I also gave them My Sabbaths to serve as a sign between Me and them, so they will know that I am Yahweh who sets them apart as holy.

13. “But the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness. They did not follow My statutes and they rejected My ordinances — the person who does them will live by them. They also completely profaned My Sabbaths. So I considered pouring out My wrath on them in the wilderness to put an end to them.

14. But I acted because of My name, so that it would not be profaned in the eyes of the nations in whose sight I had brought them out.

15. However, I swore to them in the wilderness that I would not bring them into the land I had given them — the most beautiful of all lands, flowing with milk and honey —

16. because they rejected My ordinances, profaned My Sabbaths, and did not follow My statutes. For their hearts went after their idols.

17. But I spared them from destruction and did not bring them to an end in the wilderness.

18. “Then I said to their children in the wilderness: Don’t follow the statutes of your fathers, defile yourselves with their idols, or keep their ordinances.