Good News Bible

Psalms 73:21-28 Good News Bible (GNB)

21. When my thoughts were bitterand my feelings were hurt,

22. I was as stupid as an animal;I did not understand you.

23. Yet I always stay close to you,and you hold me by the hand.

24. You guide me with your instructionand at the end you will receive me with honour.

25. What else have I in heaven but you?Since I have you, what else could I want on earth?

26. My mind and my body may grow weak,but God is my strength;he is all I ever need.

27. Those who abandon you will certainly perish;you will destroy those who are unfaithful to you.

28. But as for me, how wonderful to be near God,to find protection with the Sovereign Lordand to proclaim all that he has done!