Good News Bible

Psalms 71:9-17 Good News Bible (GNB)

9. Do not reject me now that I am old;do not abandon me now that I am feeble.

10. My enemies want to kill me;they talk and plot against me.

11. They say, “God has abandoned him;let's go after him and catch him;there is no one to rescue him.”

12. Don't stay so far away, O God;my God, hurry to my aid!

13. May those who attack mebe defeated and destroyed.May those who try to hurt mebe shamed and disgraced.

14. I will always put my hope in you;I will praise you more and more.

15. I will tell of your goodness;all day long I will speak of your salvation,though it is more than I can understand.

16. I will go in the strength of the Lord God;I will proclaim your goodness, yours alone.

17. You have taught me ever since I was young,and I still tell of your wonderful acts.