Good News Bible

Psalms 6:2-9 Good News Bible (GNB)

2. I am worn out, O Lord; have pity on me!Give me strength; I am completely exhausted

3. and my whole being is deeply troubled.How long, O Lord, will you wait to help me?

4. Come and save me, Lord;in your mercy rescue me from death.

5. In the world of the dead you are not remembered;no one can praise you there.

6. I am worn out with grief;every night my bed is damp from my weeping;my pillow is soaked with tears.

7. I can hardly see;my eyes are so swollenfrom the weeping caused by my enemies.

8. Keep away from me, you evil people!The Lord hears my weeping;

9. he listens to my cry for helpand will answer my prayer.