Good News Bible

Psalms 44:9-21 Good News Bible (GNB)

9. But now you have rejected us and let us be defeated;you no longer march out with our armies.

10. You made us run from our enemies,and they took for themselves what was ours.

11. You allowed us to be slaughtered like sheep;you scattered us in foreign countries.

12. You sold your own people for a small priceas though they had little value.

13. Our neighbours see what you did to us,and they mock us and laugh at us.

14. You have made us an object of contempt among the nations;they shake their heads at us in scorn.

15. I am always in disgrace;I am covered with shame

16. from hearing the sneers and insultsof my enemies and those who hate me.

17. All this has happened to us,even though we have not forgotten youor broken the covenant you made with us.

18. We have not been disloyal to you;we have not disobeyed your commands.

19. Yet you left us helpless among wild animals;you abandoned us in deepest darkness.

20. If we had stopped worshipping our Godand prayed to a foreign god,

21. you would surely have discovered it,because you know our secret thoughts.