Good News Bible

Psalms 119:58-74 Good News Bible (GNB)

58. I ask you with all my heartto have mercy on me, as you have promised!

59. I have considered my conduct,and I promise to follow your instructions.

60. Without delay I hurryto obey your commands.

61. The wicked have laid a trap for me,but I do not forget your law.

62. In the middle of the night I wake upto praise you for your righteous judgements.

63. I am a friend of all who serve you,of all who obey your laws.

64. Lord, the earth is full of your constant love;teach me your commandments.

65. You have kept your promise, Lord,and you are good to me, your servant.

66. Give me wisdom and knowledge,because I trust in your commands.

67. Before you punished me, I used to go wrong,but now I obey your word.

68. How good you are — how kind!Teach me your commands.

69. The proud have told lies about me,but with all my heart I obey your instructions.

70. They have no understanding,but I find pleasure in your law.

71. My punishment was good for me,because it made me learn your commands.

72. The law that you gave means more to methan all the money in the world.

73. You created me, and you keep me safe;give me understanding, so that I may learn your laws.

74. Those who honour you will be glad when they see me,because I trust in your promise.