Good News Bible

Obadiah 1:4-13 Good News Bible (GNB)

4. Even though you make your homeas high as an eagle's nest,so that it seems to be among the stars,yet I will pull you down.

5. “When thieves come at night,they take only what they want.When people gather grapes,they always leave a few.But your enemies have wiped you out completely.

6. Descendants of Esau, your treasures have been looted.

7. Your allies have deceived you;they have driven you from your country.People who were at peace with you have now conquered you.Those friends who ate with you have laid a trap for you;they say of you, ‘Where is all that cleverness he had?’

8. “On the day I punish Edom,I will destroy their clever menand wipe out all their wisdom.

9. The fighting men of Teman will be terrified,and every soldier in Edom will be killed.

10. “Because you robbed and killedyour brothers, the descendants of Jacob,you will be destroyed and dishonoured for ever.

11. You stood aside on that daywhen enemies broke down their gates.You were as bad as those strangerswho carried off Jerusalem's wealthand divided it among themselves.

12. You should not have gloatedover the misfortune of your brothers in Judah.You should not have been gladon the day of their ruin.You should not have laughed at themin their distress.

13. You should not have entered the city of my peopleto gloat over their sufferingand to seize their richeson the day of their disaster.