Good News Bible

Obadiah 1:14-20 Good News Bible (GNB)

14. You should not have stood at the crossroadsto catch those trying to escape.You should not have handed them over to the enemyon the day of their distress.

15. “The day is near when I, the Lord,will judge all nations.Edom, what you have donewill be done to you.You will get back what you have given.

16. My people have drunk a bitter cup of punishmenton my sacred hill.But all the surrounding nations will drinka still more bitter cup of punishment;they will drink it all and vanish away.

17. “But on Mount Zion some will escape,and it will be a sacred place.The people of Jacob will possessthe land that is theirs by right.

18. The people of Jacob and of Joseph will be like fire;they will destroy the people of Esauas fire burns stubble.No descendant of Esau will survive.I, the Lord, have spoken.

19. “People from southern Judah will occupy Edom;those from the western foothills will capture Philistia;Israelites will possess the territory of Ephraim and Samaria;the people of Benjamin will take Gilead.

20. The army of exiles from northern Israelwill return and conquer Phoeniciaas far north as Zarephath.The exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sardiswill capture the towns of southern Judah.