Good News Bible

Matthew 26:45-56 Good News Bible (GNB)

45. Then he returned to the disciples and said, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look! The hour has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to the power of sinners.

46. Get up, let us go. Look, here is the man who is betraying me!”

47. Jesus was still speaking when Judas, one of the twelve disciples, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs and sent by the chief priests and the elders.

48. The traitor had given the crowd a signal: “The man I kiss is the one you want. Arrest him!”

49. Judas went straight to Jesus and said, “Peace be with you, Teacher,” and kissed him.

50. Jesus answered, “Be quick about it, friend!”Then they came up, arrested Jesus, and held him tight.

51. One of those who were with Jesus drew his sword and struck at the High Priest's slave, cutting off his ear.

52. “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him. “All who take the sword will die by the sword.

53. Don't you know that I could call on my Father for help, and at once he would send me more than twelve armies of angels?

54. But in that case, how could the Scriptures come true which say that this is what must happen?”

55. Then Jesus spoke to the crowd, “Did you have to come with swords and clubs to capture me, as though I were an outlaw? Every day I sat down and taught in the Temple, and you did not arrest me.

56. But all this has happened in order to make what the prophets wrote in the Scriptures come true.”Then all the disciples left him and ran away.