Good News Bible

Judges 5:21-31 Good News Bible (GNB)

21. A flood in the Kishon swept them away —the onrushing River Kishon.I shall march, march on, with strength!

22. Then the horses came galloping on,stamping the ground with their hooves.

23. “Put a curse on Meroz,” says the angel of the Lord,“a curse, a curse on those who live there.They did not come to help the Lord,come as soldiers to fight for him.”

24. The most fortunate of women is Jael,the wife of Heber the Kenite —the most fortunate of women who live in tents.

25. Sisera asked for water, but she gave him milk;she brought him cream in a beautiful bowl.

26. She took a tent peg in one hand,a workman's hammer in the other;she struck Sisera and crushed his skull;she pierced him through the head.

27. He sank to his knees,fell down and lay still at her feet.At her feet he sank to his knees and fell;he fell to the ground, dead.

28. Sisera's mother looked out of the window;she gazed from behind the lattice.“Why is his chariot so late in coming?” she asked.“Why are his horses so slow to return?”

29. Her wisest ladies answered her,and she told herself over and over,

30. “They are only finding things to capture and divide,a woman or two for every soldier,rich cloth for Sisera,embroidered pieces for the neck of the queen.”

31. May all your enemies die like that, O Lord,but may your friends shine like the rising sun!And there was peace in the land for forty years.