Good News Bible

Genesis 45:22-28 Good News Bible (GNB)

22. He also gave each of them a change of clothes, but he gave Benjamin 300 pieces of silver and five changes of clothes.

23. He sent his father ten donkeys loaded with the best Egyptian goods and ten donkeys loaded with corn, bread, and other food for the journey.

24. He sent his brothers off and as they left, he said to them, “Don't quarrel on the way.”

25. They left Egypt and went back home to their father Jacob in Canaan.

26. “Joseph is still alive!” they told him. “He is the ruler of all Egypt!” Jacob was stunned and could not believe them.

27. But when they told him all that Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to take him to Egypt, he recovered from the shock.

28. “My son Joseph is still alive!” he said. “This is all I could ask for! I must go and see him before I die.”