Good News Bible

Genesis 27:9-28 Good News Bible (GNB)

9. Go to the flock and pick out two fat young goats, so that I can cook them and make some of that food your father likes so much.

10. You can take it to him to eat, and he will give you his blessing before he dies.”

11. But Jacob said to his mother, “You know that Esau is a hairy man, but I have smooth skin.

12. Perhaps my father will touch me and find out that I am deceiving him; in this way I will bring a curse on myself instead of a blessing.”

13. His mother answered, “Let any curse against you fall on me, my son; just do as I say, and go and get the goats for me.”

14. So he went to get them and brought them to her, and she cooked the kind of food that his father liked.

15. Then she took Esau's best clothes, which she kept in the house, and put them on Jacob.

16. She put the skins of the goats on his arms and on the hairless part of his neck.

17. She handed him the tasty food, together with the bread she had baked.

18. Then Jacob went to his father and said, “Father!”“Yes,” he answered. “Which of my sons are you?”

19. Jacob answered, “I am your elder son Esau; I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of the meat that I have brought you, so that you can give me your blessing.”

20. Isaac said, “How did you find it so quickly, my son?”Jacob answered, “The Lord your God helped me to find it.”

21. Isaac said to Jacob, “Please come closer so that I can touch you. Are you really Esau?”

22. Jacob moved closer to his father, who felt him and said, “Your voice sounds like Jacob's voice, but your arms feel like Esau's arms.”

23. He did not recognize Jacob, because his arms were hairy like Esau's. He was about to give him his blessing,

24. but asked again, “Are you really Esau?”“I am,” he answered.

25. Isaac said, “Bring me some of the meat. After I have eaten it, I will give you my blessing.” Jacob brought it to him, and he also brought him some wine to drink.

26. Then his father said to him, “Come closer and kiss me, my son.”

27. As he came up to kiss him, Isaac smelt his clothes — so he gave him his blessing. He said, “The pleasant smell of my son is like the smell of a field which the Lord has blessed.

28. May God give you dew from heaven and make your fields fertile! May he give you plenty of corn and wine!