Good News Bible

Genesis 25:16-22 Good News Bible (GNB)

16. They were the ancestors of twelve tribes, and their names were given to their villages and camping places.

17. Ishmael was 137 years old when he died.

18. The descendants of Ishmael lived in the territory between Havilah and Shur, to the east of Egypt on the way to Assyria. They lived apart from the other descendants of Abraham.

19. This is the story of Abraham's son Isaac.

20. Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel (an Aramean from Mesopotamia) and sister of Laban.

21. Because Rebecca had no children, Isaac prayed to the Lord for her. The Lord answered his prayer, and Rebecca became pregnant.

22. She was going to have twins, and before they were born, they struggled against each other in her womb. She said, “Why should something like this happen to me?” So she went to ask the Lord for an answer.