Good News Bible

Genesis 17:20-27 Good News Bible (GNB)

20. I have heard your request about Ishmael, so I will bless him and give him many children and many descendants. He will be the father of twelve princes, and I will make a great nation of his descendants.

21. But I will keep my covenant with your son Isaac, who will be born to Sarah about this time next year.”

22. When God finished speaking to Abraham, he left him.

23. On that same day Abraham obeyed God and circumcised his son Ishmael and all the other males in his household, including the slaves born in his home and those he had bought.

24. Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised,

25. and his son Ishmael was thirteen.

26. They were both circumcised on the same day,

27. together with all Abraham's slaves.