Good News Bible

Ezekiel 48:23-27-35 Good News Bible (GNB)

23-27. South of this special section, each of the remaining tribes is to receive one section of land running from the eastern boundary westwards to the Mediterranean Sea, in the following order from north to south:BenjaminSimeonIssacharZebulunGad

28. On the south side of the portion given to the tribe of Gad, the boundary runs south-west from Tamar to the oasis of Kadesh, and then north-west along the Egyptian border to the Mediterranean Sea.

29. The Sovereign Lord said, “That is the way the land is to be divided into sections for the tribes of Israel to possess.”

30-34. There are twelve entrances to the city of Jerusalem. Each of the four walls measures 2,250 metres and has three gates in it, each named after one of the tribes. The gates in the north wall are named after Reuben, Judah, and Levi; those in the east wall, after Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan; those in the south wall, after Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun; and those in the west wall are named after Gad, Asher, and Naphtali.

35. The total length of the wall on all four sides of the city is 9,000 metres. The name of the city from now on will be, “The-Lord-is-Here!”