Good News Bible

Ezekiel 3:14-27 Good News Bible (GNB)

14. The power of the Lord came on me with great force, and as his Spirit carried me off, I felt bitter and angry.

15. So I came to Tel Abib beside the River Chebar, where the exiles were living, and for seven days I stayed there, overcome by what I had seen and heard.

16. After the seven days had passed, the Lord spoke to me.

17. “Mortal man,” he said, “I am making you a watchman for the nation of Israel. You will pass on to them the warnings I give you.

18. If I announce that an evil person is going to die but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his life, he will die, still a sinner, and I will hold you responsible for his death.

19. If you do warn an evil man and he doesn't stop sinning, he will die, still a sinner, but your life will be spared.

20. “If a truly good person starts doing evil and I put him in a dangerous situation, he will die if you do not warn him. He will die because of his sins — I will not remember the good he did — and I will hold you responsible for his death.

21. If you do warn a good man not to sin and he listens to you and doesn't sin, he will stay alive, and your life will also be spared.”

22. I felt the powerful presence of the Lord and heard him say to me, “Get up and go out into the valley. I will talk to you there.”

23. So I went out into the valley, and there I saw the glory of the Lord, just as I had seen it beside the River Chebar. I fell face downwards on the ground,

24. but God's Spirit entered me and raised me to my feet. The Lord said to me, “Go home and shut yourself up in the house.

25. You will be tied with ropes, mortal man, and you will not be able to go out in public.

26. I will paralyse your tongue so that you won't be able to warn these rebellious people.

27. Then, when I speak to you again and give you back the power of speech, you will tell them what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying. Some of them will listen, but some will ignore you, for they are a nation of rebels.”