Good News Bible

Ezekiel 20:31-49 Good News Bible (GNB)

31. Even today you offer the same gifts and defile yourselves with the same idols by sacrificing your children to them in the fire. And then you Israelites still come to ask what my will is! As surely as I, the Sovereign Lord, am the living God, I will not let you ask me anything.

32. You have made up your minds that you want to be like the other nations, like the people who live in other countries and worship trees and rocks. But that will never be.

33. “As surely as I, the Sovereign Lord, am the living God, I warn you that in my anger I will rule over you with a strong hand, with all my power.

34. I will show you my power and my anger when I gather you together and bring you back from all the countries where you have been scattered.

35. I will bring you into the ‘Desert of the Nations’, and there I will condemn you to your face.

36. I will now condemn you just as I condemned your ancestors in the Sinai Desert,” says the Sovereign Lord.

37. “I will take firm control of you and make you obey my covenant.

38. I will take away from among you those who are rebellious and sinful. I will take them out of the lands where they are living now, but I will not let them return to the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”

39. The Sovereign Lord said, “And now, all you Israelites, please yourselves! Go on and serve your idols! But I warn you that after this you will have to obey me and stop dishonouring my holy name by offering gifts to your idols.

40. There in the land, on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, all you people of Israel will worship me. I will be pleased with you and will expect you to bring me your sacrifices, your best offerings, and your holy gifts.

41. After I bring you out of the countries where you have been scattered and gather you together, I will accept the sacrifices that you burn, and the nations will see that I am holy.

42. When I bring you back to Israel, the land that I promised I would give to your ancestors, then you will know that I am the Lord.

43. Then you will remember all the disgraceful things you did and how you defiled yourselves. You will be disgusted with yourselves because of all the evil things you did.

44. When I act to protect my honour, you Israelites will know that I am the Lord, because I do not deal with you as your wicked, evil actions deserve.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.

45. The Lord spoke to me.

46. “Mortal man,” he said, “look towards the south. Speak against the south and prophesy against the forest of the south.

47. Tell the southern forest to hear what the Sovereign Lord is saying: look! I am starting a fire, and it will burn up every tree in you, whether green or dry. Nothing will be able to put it out. It will spread from south to north, and everyone will feel the heat of the flames.

48. They will all see that I, the Lord, set it on fire and that no one can put it out.”

49. But I protested, “Sovereign Lord, don't make me do it! Everyone is already complaining that I always speak in riddles.”