Good News Bible

Deuteronomy 33:19-23 Good News Bible (GNB)

19. They invite foreigners to their mountainAnd offer the right sacrifices there.They get their wealth from the seaAnd from the sand along the shore.”

20. About the tribe of Gad he said:“Praise God, who made their territory large.Gad waits like a lionTo tear off an arm or a scalp.

21. They took the best of the land for themselves;A leader's share was assigned to them.They obeyed the Lord's commands and lawsWhen the leaders of Israel were gathered together.”

22. About the tribe of Dan he said:“Dan is a young lion;He leaps out from Bashan.”

23. About the tribe of Naphtali he said:“Naphtali is richly blessed by the Lord's good favour;Their land reaches to the south from Lake Galilee.”