Good News Bible

Deuteronomy 23:11-25 Good News Bible (GNB)

11. Towards evening he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may come back into camp.

12. “You are to have a place outside the camp where you can go when you need to relieve yourselves.

13. Carry a stick as part of your equipment, so that when you have a bowel movement you can dig a hole and cover it up.

14. Keep your camp ritually clean, because the Lord your God is with you in your camp to protect you and to give you victory over your enemies. Do not do anything indecent that would cause the Lord to turn his back on you.

15. “If a slave runs away from his or her owner and comes to you for protection, do not send them back.

16. They may live in any of your towns that they choose, and you are not to treat them harshly.

17. “No Israelite, man or woman, is to become a temple prostitute.

18. Also, no money earned in this way may be brought into the house of the Lord your God in fulfilment of a vow. The Lord hates temple prostitutes.

19. “When you lend money or food or anything else to a fellow-Israelite, do not charge him interest.

20. You may charge interest on what you lend to a foreigner, but not on what you lend to a fellow-Israelite. Obey this rule, and the Lord your God will bless everything you do in the land that you are going to occupy.

21. “When you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not put off doing what you promised; the Lord will hold you to your vow, and it is a sin not to keep it.

22. It is no sin not to make a vow to the Lord,

23. but if you make one voluntarily, be sure that you keep it.

24. “When you walk along a path in someone else's vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but you must not carry any away in a container.

25. When you walk along a path in someone else's cornfield, you may eat all the corn you can pull off with your hands, but you must not cut any corn with a sickle.