Good News Bible

2 Samuel 15:16-31 Good News Bible (GNB)

16. So the king left, accompanied by all his family and officials, except for ten concubines, whom he left behind to take care of the palace.

17. As the king and all his men were leaving the city, they stopped at the last house.

18. All his officials stood next to him as the royal bodyguard passed by in front of him. The 600 soldiers who had followed him from Gath also passed by,

19. and the king said to Ittai, their leader, “Why are you going with us? Go back and stay with the new king. You are a foreigner, a refugee away from your own country.

20. You have lived here only a short time, so why should I make you wander round with me? I don't even know where I'm going. Go back and take your fellow-countrymen with you — and may the Lord be kind and faithful to you.”

21. But Ittai answered, “Your Majesty, I swear to you in the Lord's name that I will always go with you wherever you go, even if it means death.”

22. “Fine!” David answered. “March on!” So Ittai went on with all his men and their dependants.

23. The people cried loudly as David's followers left. The king crossed the brook of Kidron, followed by his men, and together they went out towards the wilderness.

24. Zadok the priest was there, and with him were the Levites, carrying the sacred Covenant Box. They set it down and didn't pick it up again until all the people had left the city. The priest Abiathar was there too.

25. Then the king said to Zadok, “Take the Covenant Box back to the city. If the Lord is pleased with me, some day he will let me come back to see it and the place where it stays.

26. But if he isn't pleased with me — well, then, let him do to me what he wishes.”

27. And he went on to say to Zadok, “Look, take your son Ahimaaz and Abiathar's son Jonathan and go back to the city in peace.

28. Meanwhile, I will wait at the river crossings in the wilderness until I receive news from you.”

29. So Zadok and Abiathar took the Covenant Box back into Jerusalem and stayed there.

30. David went on up the Mount of Olives weeping; he was barefoot and had his head covered as a sign of grief. All who followed him covered their heads and wept also.

31. When David was told that Ahithophel had joined Absalom's rebellion, he prayed, “Please, Lord, turn Ahithophel's advice into nonsense!”