Good News Bible

2 Samuel 11:6-16 Good News Bible (GNB)

6. David then sent a message to Joab: “Send me Uriah the Hittite.” So Joab sent him to David.

7. When Uriah arrived, David asked him if Joab and the troops were well, and how the fighting was going.

8. Then he said to Uriah, “Go home and rest a while.” Uriah left, and David sent a present to his home.

9. But Uriah did not go home; instead he slept at the palace gate with the king's guards.

10. When David heard that Uriah had not gone home, he asked him, “You have just returned after a long absence; why didn't you go home?”

11. Uriah answered, “The men of Israel and Judah are away at the war, and the Covenant Box is with them; my commander Joab and his officers are camping out in the open. How could I go home, eat and drink, and sleep with my wife? By all that's sacred, I swear that I could never do such a thing!”

12. So David said, “Then stay here the rest of the day, and tomorrow I'll send you back.” So Uriah stayed in Jerusalem that day and the next.

13. David invited him to supper and made him drunk. But again that night Uriah did not go home; instead he slept on his blanket in the palace guardroom.

14. The next morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by Uriah.

15. He wrote: “Put Uriah in the front line, where the fighting is heaviest, then retreat and let him be killed.”

16. So while Joab was besieging the city, he sent Uriah to a place where he knew the enemy was strong.