Good News Bible

1 Chronicles 21:24-30 Good News Bible (GNB)

24. But the king answered, “No, I will pay you the full price. I will not give as an offering to the Lord something that belongs to you, something that costs me nothing.”

25. And he paid Araunah 600 gold coins for the threshing place.

26. He built an altar to the Lord there and offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. He prayed, and the Lord answered him by sending fire from heaven to burn the sacrifices on the altar.

27. The Lord told the angel to put his sword away, and the angel obeyed.

28. David saw by this that the Lord had answered his prayer, so he offered sacrifices on the altar at Araunah's threshing place.

29. The Tent of the Lord's presence which Moses had made in the wilderness, and the altar on which sacrifices were burnt were still at the place of worship at Gibeon at this time;

30. but David was not able to go there to worship God, because he was afraid of the sword of the Lord's angel.