Good News Bible Anglicised

Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 6:19-27 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

19. Work as hard to find Wisdom as a farmer works to plough and sow his fields; then you can expect a good harvest. You will have to work at it for a while, but you will soon be enjoying what you have earned.

20. Undisciplined people find Wisdom's demands too hard and don't have enough determination to meet them.

21. Her requirements are a burden heavier than they are willing to bear, and they quickly lay them aside.

22. “Discipline” means just that — discipline, and not many people are able to discipline themselves.

23. My child, listen to me and take my advice.

24. Put Wisdom's chains round your feet and her yoke round your neck.

25. Carry her on your shoulder and don't be resentful of her bonds.

26. Follow Wisdom, and keep to her ways with all your heart.

27. Go looking for her, and she will reveal herself to you. Take hold of her and don't let go.