Good News Bible Anglicised

Proverbs 16:19-31 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

19. It is better to be humble and stay poor than to be one of the arrogant and get a share of their loot.

20. Pay attention to what you are taught, and you will be successful; trust in the Lord and you will be happy.

21. A wise, mature person is known for his understanding. The more pleasant his words, the more persuasive he is.

22. Wisdom is a fountain of life to the wise, but trying to educate stupid people is a waste of time.

23. Intelligent people think before they speak; what they say is then more persuasive.

24. Kind words are like honey — sweet to the taste and good for your health.

25. What you think is the right road may lead to death.

26. A labourer's appetite makes him work harder, because he wants to satisfy his hunger.

27. Evil people look for ways to harm others; even their words burn with evil.

28. Gossip is spread by wicked people; they stir up trouble and break up friendships.

29. Violent people deceive their friends and lead them to disaster.

30. Watch out for people who grin and wink at you; they have thought of something evil.

31. Long life is the reward of the righteous; grey hair is a glorious crown.