Good News Bible Anglicised

Letter Of Jeremiah 1:1-12 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. This is a copy of the letter sent by Jeremiah to the people of Jerusalem just before they were captured by the Babylonian king and taken to Babylon. It contains the message that God had commanded Jeremiah to give them.

2. You have sinned against God. That is why you are about to be taken away as prisoners to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.

3. You will remain there in exile for many years, as long as seven generations; then God will lead you peacefully home from Babylon.

4. There in Babylon you will see gods made of wood, silver, and gold β€” gods which people carry on their shoulders and which fill the heathen with fear.

5. You must be careful never to imitate those Gentiles. Don't let their gods fill you with fear when you see them being carried in procession and being worshipped.

6. Instead, say to yourselves, β€œIt is you alone, Lord, that we must worship.”

7. God's angel will be there with you; he will take care of you.

8. Their idols are plated with silver and gold and have tongues that were carved by woodworkers. But they are not real gods, and they cannot speak.

9. The people make gold crowns and put them on the heads of their gods, as if these idols were girls who love jewellery.

10. Sometimes the priests steal the silver and gold from their gods and spend it on themselves;

11. they even give some of it to the temple prostitutes. People take these gods of wood, silver, and gold, and put clothes on them, as if they were human.

12. But even though the gods are dressed in purple robes like kings, they still cannot keep themselves from being tarnished or protect themselves from termites.