Good News Bible Anglicised

Joel 2:11-24 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

11. The Lord thunders commands to his army.The troops that obey himare many and mighty.How terrible is the day of the Lord!Who will survive it?

12. “But even now,” says the Lord,“repent sincerely and return to mewith fasting and weeping and mourning.

13. Let your broken heart show your sorrow;tearing your clothes is not enough.”Come back to the Lord your God.He is kind and full of mercy;he is patient and keeps his promise;he is always ready to forgive and not punish.

14. Perhaps the Lord your God will change his mindand bless you with abundant crops.Then you can offer him corn and wine.

15. Blow the trumpet on Mount Zion;give orders for a fast and call an assembly!

16. Gather the people together;prepare them for a sacred meeting;bring the old people;gather the childrenand the babies too.Even newly married couplesmust leave their room and come.

17. The priests, serving the Lordbetween the altar and the entrance of the Temple,must weep and pray:“Have pity on your people, Lord.Do not let other nations despise us and mock usby saying, ‘Where is your God?’ ”

18. Then the Lord showed concern for his land;he had mercy on his people.

19. He answered them:“Now I am going to give youcorn and wine and olive oil,and you will be satisfied.Other nations will no longer despise you.

20. I will remove the locust army that came from the northand will drive some of them into the desert.Their front ranks will be driven into the Dead Sea,their rear ranks into the Mediterranean.Their dead bodies will stink.I will destroy them because of all they have done to you.

21. “Fields, don't be afraid,but be joyful and gladbecause of all the Lord has done for you.

22. Animals, don't be afraid.The pastures are green;the trees bear their fruit,and there are plenty of figs and grapes.

23. “Be glad, people of Zion,rejoice at what the Lord your God has done for you.He has given you the right amount of autumn rain;he has poured down the winter rain for youand the spring rain as before.

24. The threshing places will be full of corn;the pits beside the presses will overflow with wine and olive oil.