Good News Bible Anglicised

Jeremiah 51:6-17 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

6. Run away from Babylonia! Run for your lives! Do not be killed because of Babylonia's sin. I am now taking my revenge and punishing it as it deserves.

7. Babylonia was like a gold cup in my hand, making the whole world drunk. The nations drank its wine and went out of their minds.

8. Babylonia has suddenly fallen and is destroyed! Mourn over it! Get medicine for its wounds, and perhaps it can be healed.

9. Foreigners living there said, ‘We tried to help Babylonia, but it was too late. Let's leave her now and go back home. God has punished Babylonia with all his might and has destroyed it completely.’ ”

10. The Lord says, “My people shout, ‘The Lord has shown that we are in the right. Let's go and tell the people in Jerusalem what the Lord our God has done.’ ”

11. The Lord has stirred up the kings of Media, because he intends to destroy Babylonia. That is how he will take revenge for the destruction of his Temple.The attacking officers command, “Sharpen your arrows! Get your shields ready!

12. Give the signal to attack Babylon's walls. Strengthen the guard! Post the sentries! Place men in ambush!”The Lord has done what he said he would do to the people of Babylonia.

13. That country has many rivers and rich treasures, but its time is up, and its thread of life is cut.

14. The Lord Almighty has sworn by his own life that he will bring many men to attack Babylonia like a swarm of locusts, and they will shout with victory.

15. The Lord made the earth by his power;by his wisdom he created the worldand stretched out the heavens.

16. At his command the waters above the sky roar;he brings clouds from the ends of the earth.He makes lightning flash in the rainand sends the wind from his storeroom.

17. At the sight of this, people feel stupid and senseless;those who make idols are disillusionedbecause the gods they make are false and lifeless.