Good News Bible Anglicised

Isaiah 48:12-16 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

12. The Lord says,“Listen to me, Israel, the people I have called!I am God, the first, the last, the only God!

13. My hands made the earth's foundationsand spread the heavens out.When I summon earth and sky,they come at once and present themselves.

14. “Assemble and listen, all of you!None of the gods could predictthat the man I have chosen would attack Babylon;he will do what I want him to do.

15. I am the one who spoke and called him;I led him out and gave him success.

16. “Now come close to me and hear what I say.From the beginning I have spoken openly,and have always made my words come true.”(Now the Sovereign Lord has given me his power and sent me.)