Good News Bible Anglicised

Isaiah 17:3-8 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

3. Israel will be defenceless, and Damascus will lose its independence. Those Syrians who survive will be in disgrace like the people of Israel. I, the Lord Almighty, have spoken.”

4. The Lord said, “A day is coming when Israel's greatness will come to an end, and its wealth will be replaced by poverty.

5. Israel will be like a field where the corn has been cut and harvested, as desolate as a field in the valley of Rephaim when it has been picked bare.

6. Only a few people will survive, and Israel will be like an olive tree from which all the olives have been picked except two or three at the very top, or a few that are left on the lower branches. I, the Lord God of Israel, have spoken.”

7. When that day comes, people will turn for help to their Creator, the holy God of Israel.

8. They will no longer rely on the altars they made with their own hands, or trust in their own handiwork — symbols of the goddess Asherah and altars for burning incense.