Good News Bible Anglicised

Genesis 21:19-34 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

19. Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well. She went and filled the leather bag with water and gave some to the boy.

20. God was with the boy as he grew up; he lived in the wilderness of Paran and became a skilful hunter.

21. His mother found an Egyptian wife for him.

22. At that time Abimelech went with Phicol, the commander of his army, and said to Abraham, “God is with you in everything you do.

23. So make a vow here in the presence of God that you will not deceive me, my children, or my descendants. I have been loyal to you, so promise that you will also be loyal to me and to this country in which you are living.”

24. Abraham said, “I promise.”

25. Abraham complained to Abimelech about a well which the servants of Abimelech had seized.

26. Abimelech said, “I don't know who did this. You didn't tell me about it, and this is the first I have heard of it.”

27. Then Abraham gave some sheep and cattle to Abimelech, and the two of them made an agreement.

28. Abraham separated seven lambs from his flock,

29. and Abimelech asked him, “Why did you do that?”

30. Abraham answered, “Accept these seven lambs. By doing this, you admit that I am the one who dug this well.”

31. And so the place was called Beersheba, because it was there that the two of them made a vow.

32. After they had made this agreement at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol went back to Philistia.

33. Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and worshipped the Lord, the Everlasting God.

34. Abraham lived in Philistia for a long time.