Good News Bible Anglicised

Ezekiel 6:10-13 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

10. They will know that I am the Lord and that my warnings were not empty threats.”

11. The Sovereign Lord said, “Wring your hands! Stamp your feet! Cry in sorrow because of all the evil, disgusting things the Israelites have done. They are going to die in war, by famine, and by disease.

12. Those far away will fall ill and die; those near by will be killed in war; those who survive will starve to death. They will feel all the force of my anger.

13. Corpses will be scattered among the idols and round the altars, scattered on every high hill, on the top of every mountain, under every green tree and every large oak, in every place where they burnt sacrifices to their idols. Then everyone will know that I am the Lord.