Good News Bible Anglicised

Ezekiel 26:13-20 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

13. I will put an end to all your songs, and I will silence the music of your harps.

14. I will leave only a bare rock where fishermen can dry their nets. The city will never be rebuilt. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.”

15. The Sovereign Lord has this to say to the city of Tyre: “When you are being conquered, the people who live along the coast will be terrified at the screams of those who are slaughtered.

16. All the kings of the seafaring nations will come down from their thrones. They will take off their robes and their embroidered clothes and sit trembling on the ground. They will be so terrified at your fate that they will not be able to stop trembling.

17. They will sing this funeral song for you:The famous city is destroyed!Her ships have been swept from the seas.The people of this city ruled the seasAnd terrified all who lived on the coast.

18. Now, on the day it has fallen,The islands are trembling,And their people are shocked at such destruction.”

19. The Sovereign Lord says: “I will make you as desolate as ruined cities where no one lives. I will cover you with the water of the ocean depths.

20. I will send you down to the world of the dead to join the people who lived in ancient times. I will make you stay in that underground world among eternal ruins, keeping company with the dead. As a result you will never again be inhabited and take your place in the land of the living.