Good News Bible Anglicised

Ezekiel 26:10-15 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

10. The clouds of dust raised by their horses will cover you. The noise of their horses pulling wagons and chariots will shake your walls as they pass through the gates of the ruined city.

11. Their horsemen will storm through your streets, killing your people with their swords. Your mighty pillars will be thrown to the ground.

12. Your enemies will help themselves to your wealth and merchandise. They will pull down your walls and shatter your luxurious houses. They will take the stones and wood and all the rubble, and dump them into the sea.

13. I will put an end to all your songs, and I will silence the music of your harps.

14. I will leave only a bare rock where fishermen can dry their nets. The city will never be rebuilt. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.”

15. The Sovereign Lord has this to say to the city of Tyre: “When you are being conquered, the people who live along the coast will be terrified at the screams of those who are slaughtered.