Good News Bible Anglicised

Ezekiel 26:1-7 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. On the first day of the… month of the eleventh year of our exile, the Lord spoke to me.

2. “Mortal man,” he said, “this is what the people in the city of Tyre are cheering about. They shout, ‘Jerusalem is shattered! Her commercial power is gone! She won't be our rival any more!’

3. “Now then, this is what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying: I am your enemy, city of Tyre. I will bring many nations to attack you, and they will come like the waves of the sea.

4. They will destroy your city walls and tear down your towers. Then I will sweep away all the dust and leave only a bare rock.

5. Fishermen will dry their nets on it, there where it stands in the sea. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. The nations will plunder Tyre,

6. and with their swords they will kill those who live in her towns on the mainland. Then Tyre will know that I am the Lord.”

7. The Sovereign Lord says, “I am going to bring the greatest king of all — King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia — to attack Tyre. He will come from the north with a huge army, with horses and chariots and with cavalry.