Good News Bible Anglicised

Ezekiel 24:8-20 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

8. I have left the blood there, where it cannot be hidden, where it demands angry revenge.”

9. This is what the Sovereign Lord is saying: “The city of murderers is doomed! I myself will pile up the firewood.

10. Bring more wood! Fan the flames! Cook the meat! Boil away the broth! Burn up the bones!

11. Now set the empty bronze pot on the coals and let it get red-hot. Then the pot will be ritually pure again after the corrosion is burnt off,

12. although all that corrosion will not disappear in the flames.

13. Jerusalem, your immoral actions have defiled you. Although I tried to purify you, you remained defiled. You will not be pure again until you have felt the full force of my anger.

14. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken. The time has come for me to act. I will not ignore your sins or show pity or be merciful. You will be punished for what you have done.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.

15. The Lord spoke to me.

16. “Mortal man,” he said, “with one blow I am going to take away the person you love most. You are not to complain or cry or shed any tears.

17. Don't let your sobbing be heard. Do not go bareheaded or barefoot as a sign of mourning. Don't cover your face or eat the food that mourners eat.”

18. Early in the day I was talking with the people. That evening my wife died, and the next day I did as I had been told.

19. The people asked me, “Why are you acting like this?”

20. So I said to them, “The Lord spoke to me and told me