Good News Bible Anglicised

Ezekiel 10:14-22 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

14. Each creature had four faces. The first was the face of a bull, the second a human face, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

15. (They were the same creatures that I had seen by the River Chebar.) When the creatures rose in the air

16. and moved, the wheels went with them. Whenever they spread their wings to fly, the wheels still went with them.

17. When the creatures stopped, the wheels stopped; and when the creatures flew, the wheels went with them, because the creatures controlled them.

18. Then the dazzling light of the Lord's presence left the entrance of the Temple and moved to a place above the creatures.

19. They spread their wings and flew up from the earth while I was watching, and the wheels went with them. They paused at the east gate of the Temple, and the dazzling light was over them.

20. I recognized them as the same creatures which I had seen beneath the God of Israel at the River Chebar.

21. Each of them had four faces, four wings, and what looked like a human hand under each wing.

22. Their faces looked exactly like the faces I had seen by the River Chebar. Each creature moved straight ahead.