Good News Bible Anglicised

Exodus 29:36-45 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

36. Each day you must offer a bull as a sacrifice, so that sin may be forgiven. This will purify the altar. Then anoint it with olive oil to make it holy.

37. Do this every day for seven days. Then the altar will be completely holy, and anyone or anything that touches it will be harmed by the power of its holiness.

38. “Every day for all time to come, sacrifice on the altar two one-year-old lambs.

39. Sacrifice one of the lambs in the morning and the other in the evening.

40. With the first lamb offer one kilogramme of fine wheat flour mixed with one litre of pure olive oil. Pour out one litre of wine as an offering.

41. Sacrifice the second lamb in the evening, and offer with it the same amounts of flour, olive oil, and wine as in the morning. This is a food offering to me, the Lord, and its odour pleases me.

42. For all time to come, this burnt offering is to be offered in my presence at the entrance of the Tent of my presence. That is where I will meet my people and speak to you.

43. There I will meet the people of Israel, and the dazzling light of my presence will make the place holy.

44. I will make the Tent and the altar holy, and I will set Aaron and his sons apart to serve me as priests.

45. I will live among the people of Israel, and I will be their God.