Good News Bible Anglicised

Exodus 18:4-11 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

4. He had also said, “The God of my father helped me and saved me from being killed by the king of Egypt”; so he had named the other son Eliezer.)

5. Jethro came with Moses' wife and her two sons into the desert where Moses was camped at the holy mountain.

6. He had sent word to Moses that they were coming,

7. so Moses went out to meet him, bowed before him, and kissed him. They asked about each other's health and then went into Moses' tent.

8. Moses told Jethro everything that the Lord had done to the king and the people of Egypt in order to rescue the Israelites. He also told him about the hardships the people had faced on the way and how the Lord had saved them.

9. When Jethro heard all this, he was happy

10. and said, “Praise the Lord, who saved you from the king and the people of Egypt! Praise the Lord, who saved his people from slavery!

11. Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods, because he did this when the Egyptians treated the Israelites with such contempt.”