Good News Bible Anglicised

2 Samuel 8:1-6 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. Some time later King David attacked the Philistines again, defeated them, and ended their control over the land.

2. Then he defeated the Moabites. He made the prisoners lie down on the ground and put two out of every three of them to death. So the Moabites became his subjects and paid taxes to him.

3. Then he defeated the king of the Syrian state of Zobah, Hadadezer son of Rehob, as Hadadezer was on his way to restore his control over the territory by the upper Euphrates.

4. David captured 1,700 of his horsemen and 20,000 of his foot soldiers. He kept enough horses for a hundred chariots and crippled all the rest.

5. When the Syrians of Damascus sent an army to help King Hadadezer, David attacked it and killed 22,000 men.

6. Then he set up military camps in their territory, and they became his subjects and paid taxes to him. The Lord made David victorious everywhere.