Good News Bible Anglicised

2 Esdras 8:55-63 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

55. “So don't ask any more questions about the large number of people who are lost.

56. For when they had the opportunity to choose, they despised God Most High, had contempt for his Law, and refused to follow his ways.

57. In addition, they ill-treated the righteous servants of God.

58. They even said to themselves that there was no God, although they knew that they must die.

59. So the joys I have described are waiting for you, while thirst and torment are in store for them. But God Most High did not want anyone to perish.

60. He created everyone and prepared life for everyone, but those he created dishonoured the name of their Creator and were ungrateful to the one who offered them life.

61. That is why the day on which I will judge them is near.

62. I have made this known to you and a few others like you, but not to everyone.”I answered,

63. “Sir, you have shown me many signs which you will perform in the last days, but you have not told me how I can know when this will happen.”