Good News Bible Anglicised

2 Esdras 7:40-50 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

40. no cloud, thunder, or lightning; no wind, water, or air; no darkness, evening, or morning;

41. no summer, spring, or winter; no heat, frost, or cold; no hail, rain, or dew;

42. no noon, night or dawn; no daylight, brightness, or light. The only light will be the dazzling brightness of God Most High, making it possible for everyone to see.

43. The judgement will last seven years.

44. That's the arrangement I have made for Judgement Day, but I have revealed these things only to you.”

45. Then I said, “Lord, I repeat what I said earlier: How fortunate are the people who can live now and obey your commands!

46. But what about those for whom I have been praying? There is no one in the present generation who has not sinned, no one who has not broken your covenant.

47. Now I understand that the world to come will bring joy to only a few, but torment to many.

48. The evil impulse within us has grown and it has led us away from God's ways, brought us to ruin, put us on the way to death and destruction, and taken us far from life. It has destroyed not only a few, but almost everyone who was ever created.”

49. “Listen to me,” the angel said, “and I will teach you further and correct your thinking.

50. Because only a few will be saved, God created two worlds, instead of only one.