Good News Bible Anglicised

2 Esdras 10:1-6 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. “On the wedding night when my son entered the bedroom, he dropped dead.

2. So we put out all the wedding lamps, and all my neighbours came to comfort me. I remained in control of myself until the evening of the second day,

3. when they all left. That night I got up and came out to this field, as you see.

4. I have decided never to return to that town. I am going to stay here in constant mourning, neither eating nor drinking anything until I die.”

5. When she told me this, I put aside my own thoughts and spoke sharply to her:

6. “You are the most foolish woman I ever met. Don't you see what our people are suffering? Don't you know all that has happened to us?