Good News Bible Anglicised

2 Esdras 1:16-23 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

16. Even when I destroyed your enemies, you did not appreciate what I had done. You have never done anything but complain.

17. Have you forgotten the blessings I gave you? There in the desert when you were hungry and thirsty you cried out to me:

18. ‘Why have you brought us out to this desert to kill us? Being slaves to the Egyptians was better than coming here to die.’

19. I was moved by your bitter groans and gave you manna, the bread of angels.

20. When you were thirsty, I split the rock and all the water you needed flowed out. To protect you from the heat, I provided you with shady trees.

21. I divided fertile lands among you and drove out the Canaanites, the Perizzites, and the Philistines, who opposed your advance. What more could I have done for you?

22. “The Lord Almighty says: There in the desert by the river of bitter water when you were thirsty and cursed me,

23. in spite of your insults I did not send fire upon you. Instead, I made the water fit to drink by throwing wood into the river.