Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 7:28-43 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

28. “There need not be any quarrel between you and me. I will come to you with a small escort for a friendly private conversation.”

29. When he came to Judas, they exchanged polite greetings, but Judas' enemies were ready to kidnap him.

30. When Judas learnt that Nicanor's visit was part of a plot against him, he was afraid and decided not to meet him again.

31. Nicanor realized that his plan had been discovered, so he left Jerusalem to meet Judas in battle near Capharsalama.

32. About 500 of Nicanor's men were killed, and the rest of the army escaped to the fort in Jerusalem.

33. Some time later Nicanor went to Mount Zion. Some of the priests left the Temple and, along with some of the leaders of the people, went to welcome him with words of peace and to show him the burnt offering that was being sacrificed on behalf of the king.

34. But he ridiculed them and made them ceremonially unclean by spitting on them. He spoke proudly

35. and angrily threatened them with an oath, “Unless Judas and his army are surrendered to me immediately, I will burn this Temple down as soon as I return after my victory.” And he left in a rage.

36. The priests went into the courtyard and stood facing the altar and the Temple. They started weeping and prayed,

37. “Lord, you chose this Temple to bear your name and to be a place of prayer and intercession for your people.

38. Now, take vengeance on this man and his army; let them die in battle. Remember how they spoke evil of you, and let none of them survive.”

39. Nicanor left Jerusalem and set up his headquarters at Beth Horon, where the Syrian army joined him.

40. Meanwhile, Judas set up camp at Adasa with 3,000 men. There Judas prayed,

41. “Lord, the Scriptures tell us that when a king sent messengers to insult you, your angel went out and killed 185,000 of his soldiers.

42. Now, in the same way, crush this army before us today and let everyone know that Nicanor is being punished because he insulted your holy Temple. Punish him as his wickedness deserves.”

43. The armies met in battle on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, and Nicanor's army was defeated. Nicanor himself was the first to be killed in the battle,