Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 7:1-14 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. In the year 151, Demetrius son of Seleucus left Rome and with a few men landed at a town on the Mediterranean coast, where he proclaimed himself king.

2. As he was making his way to the royal palace of his ancestors, the soldiers arrested Antiochus the Fifth and Lysias, planning to take them to Demetrius.

3. When Demetrius heard about it, he said, “I don't want to see them.”

4. So the soldiers killed them, and Demetrius took the throne.

5. Then all the godless traitorous Jews led by Alcimus, who wanted to be High Priest, went to Demetrius.

6. They brought accusations against the other Jews and said, “Judas and his brothers have killed everybody who supported you, and they have driven us out of our country.

7. We advise you to send someone whom you can trust to go and inspect all the damage done to our property and the king's territory and to punish Judas, his brothers, and all who support them.”

8. King Demetrius chose one of his advisers, a man by the name of Bacchides, who was the governor of Greater Syria. He was an important man in the empire and loyal to the king.

9. He was sent along with the godless Alcimus, whom the king had appointed High Priest; Alcimus had orders to take revenge on the Jews.

10. They left Antioch and arrived in Judea with a large army. Bacchides tried to trick Judas and his brothers by sending to them messengers with offers of peace.

11. But when Judas and his brothers saw what a large army they had brought, they did not believe what the messengers said.

12. A group of teachers of the Law came to Alcimus and Bacchides, asking for justice.

13. These devout and patriotic men were the first of the Jews to try to make peace with Alcimus and Bacchides.

14. They trusted Alcimus, who was a priest descended from Aaron, and they thought he would not cause them any harm.