Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 6:26-43 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

26. And now they have laid siege to the fort in Jerusalem and are planning to take it. They have also fortified the Temple and Bethzur.

27. Unless you act immediately, they will do even more, and you will not be able to stop them.”

28. When the king heard this, he was furious. He brought together all the army commanders, the cavalry officers, and his most trusted advisers.

29. He also hired mercenary soldiers from other countries and from the Greek islands.

30. His forces numbered 100,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, and 32 elephants trained for war.

31. The king and his army passed through Idumea and laid siege to Bethzur, where they fought for a long time. They built battering-rams and siege-platforms, but the defenders fought bravely and came out of the town and burnt down the platforms.

32. Then Judas withdrew his troops from the fort in Jerusalem and set up his camp at Beth Zechariah, blocking the advance of the king's army.

33. Early the next morning, the king rapidly moved his army along the road to Beth Zechariah, where his troops took up battle positions and blew trumpets.

34. They got the elephants ready for battle by showing them grape juice and mulberry juice.

35. The huge animals were distributed among the infantry units. A thousand men, protected by chain armour and bronze helmets, were stationed with each elephant. Each animal was also accompanied by a special force of 500 cavalry,

36. which always remained with the elephant.

37. A strong, protected wooden platform was securely fastened by a special harness to the back of each elephant. Three soldiers rode on each animal, in addition to the elephant driver.

38. Lysias placed the rest of the cavalry on the two flanks of the army where they could be protected by the infantry while harassing the enemy.

39. The sunlight, reflected off the bronze and gold shields, shone on the mountains and flashed like burning torches.

40. Part of the king's army was spread out over the higher ground of the mountain slopes and part over the lower land, but they all moved forward steadily and in good order.

41. All the people were terrified when they heard the noise made by the clashing of weapons and the marching of that great and powerful army.

42. Judas and his army advanced into battle, and immediately killed 600 of the king's army.

43. When Eleazar Avaran saw that one of the elephants was larger than the others and that it was covered with royal armour, he thought that the king was riding on it.